Application. Cloud. Containers. Blockchain. Infrastructure.


Incident detection & Response

If you are experiencing a security incident or breach let us take over. We will remediate all threats and help build your detection and prevention systems to avoid dangerous scenarios in the future.

The average total cost of a data breach in the U.S. is $8.19 million, don’t be a victim.

Tailored Red Teaming

Are your current processes and defenses working as you expect?

We perform custom red team services to help identify and remediate risks. We will work with you to understand your business and threats in addition to creating a plan of action to help secure your organization.

BLOCKchain security Services

Are you developing a smart contract, need help with a blockchain investigation or a security review for your cryptocurrency wallet or node software?

We can help apply our extensive expertise in traditional and new blockchain security industries to solve a variety of novel challenges in this field.


Let us analyze that suspicious binary you found. Knowing what the malware is doing and the malicious actors behind it is key to mitigating risk and removing the attacker.


Get Started

Learn how we can help secure your business. We will personally answer all inquiries.
